Hardscape Polygon Smoothing
Smooth surfaces should always be smooth, not faceted. For example, we often see a radiused curb with faceted sides. Set smoothing groups appropriately.
Smooth surfaces should always be smooth, not faceted. For example, we often see a radiused curb with faceted sides. Set smoothing groups appropriately.
Tops of walls and columns should be finished appropriately. Do not simply continue box mapping on the top surfaces.
Fence posts should be logical. The Railing Tool in 3dsMax does not typically create an acceptable fence without extra work. Posts should be located at all corners, and between corners, posts should be equally spaced, or have some other thoughtful logic.
Make sure fences are located accurately and have no gaps. Gates should look like gates
If you see geometry that looks like someone can easily trip over it, check the drawings or ask your supervisor