Earn some spending cash when you send a new multifamily lead to Digital-X.
It's All in a Name
Send us contact info for a qualified lead* (yes, this person must know you personally) and we’ll send you $25 per person, even if they don’t hire us.
It's All Good
When you refer someone who hires us to complete a multifamily project between $500-$2000.
The Big Winner
When you refer someone who hires us to complete a multifamily project between $2000 – $5000.
Go for the GOLD!
When you refer someone who hires us to complete a multifamily project over $5000.
* A qualified lead will be someone who works in the multifamily industry who has decision making authority towards hiring Digital-X to produce rendered imagery. As you will be vouching for Digital-X indirectly, this person should know you by name and trust your recommendation.